AJ Ross Creative Media

Why Every Company Needs A Blog For Social Media Marketing

Still on the fence about whether to start a corporate blog? Well guess what, your competitors aren’t hesitating and they’re stealing your market share. When done correctly, blogging can be extremely valuable to a company especially if one of your brand’s initiatives is to engage in social media marketing. Your corporate blog could become one of the most powerful channels in your marketing lineup. The time and money you invest will reap huge rewards.

The era of the hardcore one-sided sell is over. What’s required now is an open dialogue between brand and buyer. A corporate blog is the perfect spot to show your customers how much you care; that you’ve created an interactive community and that you are listening and addressing the issues that are important to them. For the company, the blog provides a place to frequently update information and engage in a two-way conversation with your customer. Think of the website as a company billboard on the highway and the company blog as your personal direct office telephone line.

Some of the most influential CEOs from the world’s most respected corporations blog because they know how powerful it is. Google, Microsoft, Zappos. Right now, your competitors are connecting with the people who could be your clients.

8 Reasons Every Corporation Should Have A Blog:

1. Consumers Don’t Trust Faceless Advertising.

2. You Don’t Enjoy Being On The 5th Page of a Search.

3. Less Qualified People Are Claiming Your Space.

4. Blog Updating is Chimp Simple.

5. Little Effort = Big Rewards.

6. You Can’t Afford To.

7. Forget Focus Groups.

8. Reach Out And Touch Someone.

The conversation is already happening about your brand, if you don’t join in the social media marketing revolution, and participate with your customers, you will in effect, render your brand mute.


American Red Cross – (http://american.redcross.org/site/PageNavigator/TheYouthMessenger/BlogandShare)

Zappos – http://blogs.zappos.com/blogs

Frommer’s – http://www.frommers.com/community/blogs/

Amazon Daily – http://www.amazon.com/gp/daily)

McDonald’s – http://www.crmcdonalds.com/publish/csr/home/_blog.html

Do you read any corporate blogs that you think are interesting and insightful? Please share them.

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