AJ Ross Creative Media

The Right Idea Can Increase Your Business

What is the right idea? That is the big question weighing on business owners everywhere. Where can I make cuts? What is going to see us through? But is surviving enough? Who is going to still be around and more importantly who is going to be on top of the game when we do see the economic light of day?

It’s no secret we are in and economic downturn, but that is no excuse to let your business fall with the economy. The strongest business leaders know how to take a crisis and make it work in their favor.

According to an article published in the Harvard Business Review earlier this year :
It is well documented that brands that increase (marketing) during a recession, when competitors are cutting back, can improve market share and return on investment at lower cost than during good economic times.

Your competition is moving itself out of our way by slowing/stopping their marketing efforts. Media is being forced to lower rates due to a large decrease in advertising revenue. And your consumers still need your services. It is that simple.

But…and there is always a but. You need to be smart about your marketing. The right message, the right placement and consistency with your Brand are essential. Not just anyone can do that for you and this is not the time to do it yourself.

We understand the market and continue to have success with businesses that take advantage of our services. When the Real Estate market first fell and developers were sitting on empty lots we helped a client sell out of quality homes in record time. How? Well that is a conversation we reserve for our clients.

The right idea cannot only help your business survive but more importantly thrive. We are proven time and time again and ready to add you to our list of success stories.

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