AJ Ross Creative Media

Is Your Website Faster Than…?

Three seconds is not a lot of time. Any longer of a time would result in little to no visitors on a site. An example, of how quick three seconds goes by can be illustrated by referring to the fastest man alive.  The fastest man alive is
able to run thirty meters or one hundred feet in 3 seconds.

“47 percent of consumers expect a web page to load in two seconds or less” –Akamai

On mobile devices sixty seven percent of people believe that their mobile devices were going to be slower then their desktop. Thirty percent of people said they would wait six to ten seconds for a web page to load on a mobile devise. Then, sixteen percent of people claimed they would only wait one to five seconds. Finally, three percent of people reported that after less then a second they would leave the site. In conclusion, within the time that it takes the fastest main to run a 100-meter dash a mobile site would lose fifty percent of viewers

Source : gomawz.com, akamai.com


The loyalty of a site will be affected as well. Fifty two percent of people believe that having fast loading speeds plays a key role in returning to a site. In addition, forty four percent of shoppers reported that slow loading speeds have lead to a negative involvement with the site. Which is then conveyed to the shopper’s friends.

“About 30% of those responding said they formed a “negative perception” of a company with a badly put-together site or would tell their family and friends about their experiences.”Hobo

Seventy nine percent of shoppers reported that a bad experience with site speed has lead to a reluctance to revisit the site.

The longer it takes for a page to load, the fewer viewers a page will have. Fewer viewers results in lost profit.

Should the fastest man alive be faster then your website?

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